The purpose of Rotary Vocational Excellence Awards is to recognize Rotarians, Rotaractors and non-Rotarians in our communities of District 3450, covering Hong Kong & Guangdong, Macao and Mongolia, who have not only achieved excellence in their vocation but used those skills to go above and beyond to make a significant contribution to the community. This is also an opportunity to think about how a Rotary / Rotaract Club engages fellow Rotary and Rotaract members through their professional skills or vocations, and how they bring Rotary’s ideals into their workplace. Recipients embody Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self” and Rotary’s ethical guideline in its 4-way test, a call to moral excellence.

An eligible candidate for the awards must be nominated by a Rotary Club or Rotaract Club in District 3450. The eligible candidate shall be an individual who exemplifies outstanding commitment to his, her or their business or profession, over a significant number of years, leaving a lasting positive influence on his, her or their vocational area and the community in general. Rotarians, Rotaractors and non-Rotarians are eligible to be nominated for the awards. Each Rotary Club or Rotaract Club can make two numbers of nominations, one for Rotarian / Rotaractor and the other one for non-Rotarian.

Candidates must have exhibited significant support of vocational service by fulfilling each of the following criteria:

  • Exemplifying integrity and high ethical standards in their vocation and inspire others to behave ethically through his/her own words and actions
  • Using their vocational talents to serve the community
  • Personally undertaking at least two of the following:
    • Attending District Vocational Services Forum
    • Mentoring a young person to help that person succeed in vocational pursuits
    • Organizing a vocational service discussion or group workshop to inspire others to take action
    • Teaching other club members about their vocation by giving a talk at the regular meeting or inviting member prospects to speak at regular meeting
    • Participating in a business networking event that introduces non-Rotarians to the principles of vocational service
    • Implementing an activity to celebrate Vocational Service Month in January
    • Participating in another vocational service project that meets local needs
    • Designing vocational service activities for the purpose of membership recruitment and public image promotion of Rotary

The Rotary Club must complete this nomination form and submit the completed nomination form to RIC of District 3450 by email Nominations must be received at RIC of District 3450 no later than [31 March 2025]. A certificate will be sent to the Rotary Club for the recipient by [11 April 2025].

1. DG Awards of Vocational Service Excellence presented by each nominating club

The candidate nominated by a Rotary / Rotaract Club must be prepared to be available to deliver a keynote address at the regular meeting of the nominating Rotary / Rotaract Club by [30 April] 2025. Each candidate will receive the DG Awards of Vocational Service Excellence prepared by District Vocational Services Committee for presentation by the nominating Rotary / Rotaract Club.

2.District Awards of Vocational Service Excellence presented at District Conference

Amongst all candidates nominated by Rotary / Rotaract Clubs, District Vocational Services Committee would make recommendations to DG for the two awardees of District Awards of Vocational Service Excellence, one for Rotarian / Rotaractor and the other one for non-Rotarian. The District Awards of Vocational Service Excellence will be presented at the District conference of District 3450 in [May] 2025.

After the awards have been presented, the name of the recipients should be published in the newsletter or RIC communication of the District 3450.

RIC of District 3450 email: or Tel: +852 2576 8882




  • 在其專業中表現出正直和高道德標準,並透過自己的言行激勵他人遵守道德規範
  • 利用職業才能服務社區
  • 親自實行以下至少兩項:
    • 出席地區職業服務論壇
    • 指導年輕人,幫助其在職業生涯中取得成功
    • 組織職業服務討論或小組研討會以激勵其他人採取行動
    • 透過在例會上發表演講或邀請潛在會員在例會上發言,向其他扶輪社員講解他們的職業
    • 參加商業社交活動,向非扶輪人士介紹職業服務的原則
    • 在一月份職業服務月,進行慶祝活動
    • 參與其他職業服務項目,回應本地需求
    • 設計職業服務活動,招募社員及提升扶輪社公眾形象

此提名表格必須由扶輪社填寫,並透過電子郵件將填妥的表格提交給地區扶輪諮詢中心。提名必須在 [2025 年 3 月 31 日] 或之前完成。證書將在 [2025 年 4 月 11 日] 或之前發送給扶輪社的代表。

1. 總監嘉許卓越扶輪職業服務獎





國際扶輪3450地區諮詢中心 電郵: 或電話: +852 2576 8882