On 14 December 2024, a nice weather day in Hong Kong, over 400 hundred of Rotarians represented by different clubs together with their friends, families and furry friends in high spirits gathered at the Peak Garden for an amazing ceremony and  meaningful annual event, End Polio Walk 2024.  Participants walked one round the Peak on Lugard Road enjoying the crisp cool breeze and scenery of Hong Kong Island.

The event invited Dr Ko Wing Man, GBS, JP as our guest of honor to share his insight of polio eradication. The ceremony ended in high spirits with End Polio Ambassador Mr. William Hu Wai Hong and Mr. Ngan Mic-go singing classic Canto pop tunes.

More than 90 clubs from District 3450 participated the event. The event successfully raised over US$100,000 to the Polio Plus Fund for Rotary International for eradication of polio in the world. In recent years, polio cases were only found in two countries, namely Pakistan and Afghanistan. Unfortunately, apart from these two countries, one circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) case was recently identified in August 2024 in Gaza, the first case in 25 years. Although the End Polio Walk 2024 had been successfully completed, we are glad to see more donation to the Polio Plus Fund so that we can totally end the polio. We are this close. Let’s join hands to get rid of polio in the world.

December is also a month of joy and happiness. We all members from the District Foundation Committee wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!