Dear Rotarians and Friends,

As we stepped into the 7th Month of this Rotary year, I would like to remind Rotarians the importance of Vocational Service. While community service is the backbone of this renowned international service organisation, vocational service is what makes it unique from any other (service) organisations.

I would like to share a quote of our founding father Paul Harris, “Each Rotarian is a connecting link between the idealism of Rotary and their trade or profession”. This can be further explained in the second Object of Rotary, Rotarians are reminded of their mission to observe the Four Way Test and foster high ethical standards in their own business or profession. Each Rotarian should see their occupation as an opportunity to serve our society.

In 1911, the then president of the Rotary Club of Minnesota, Ben Collins was sharing the principle that his club had adopted as the proper way to organise a Rotary club, “Service, Not Self”. Our Founder Paul Harris immediately asked Ben to address this at the second Rotary International Convention after hearing this. In the same Convention, Rotarian Arthur Frederick Sheldon made a speech, during which he said “…only the science of right conduct toward others pays. Business is the science of human services. He profits most who serves his fellows best”.

During the Rotary International Convention in Detroit (1950), “Service Above Self” and “He profits most who serves best” were formally approved as official mottoes of Rotary. In the Council on Legislation (1989), “Service Above Self” was established as the principal Rotary motto while “He profits most who serves best” or “One profits most who serves best” (2010 version) had been adopted as Rotary’s secondary motto.

Our principal motto inspires Rotary clubs to carry out unselfish volunteer service to build our communities. While the secondary motto reminds us as Rotarians, it is our mission to
enhance ethical standards in our trade or profession.

The District Vocational Service Committee has put together a Forum on 18 January featuring Past President Tim Lui (the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East), who is the former chairman of the Security and Future Commission as our keynote speaker. I would like to invite all of you to join this Forum to learn more about our mission as Rotarians.

Yours in Rotary,

Nigel Lo
Governor 2024-25
Rotary International District 3450




讓我在此引用國際扶輪之父Paul Harris的名言:「Each Rotarian is a connecting link between the idealism of Rotary and their trade or profession」這可以在第二項扶輪宗旨中進一步解釋,扶輪社員都必須奉行四大考驗,並在他們各自的事業或專業中提高道德標準。每個扶輪人都應視他們的職業為服務社會的契機。

1911年,明尼蘇達扶輪社當時的社長Ben Collins分享他的社在組織扶輪社方面的原則,即Service, Not Self。我們的創辦人Paul Harris聽到後隨即邀請他在第二届國際扶輪年會中講解這個原則。在同一届年會中,社員Arthur Frederick Sheldon在他的演講中提到:「…只有正當對待他人的科學才可帶來好處。商業是一門人類服務的科學。為人服務最多的人收穫最大。」

在1950年底特律舉行的國際扶輪年會中,Service Above SelfHe profits most who serves best獲正式批准成爲扶輪的格言。在1989年的立法會議中,Service Above Self被確立為扶輪的主格言,而He profits most who serves bestOne profits most who serves best(2010版)則被確立為扶輪的副格言。




總監 (2024-25)
