DG Message August 2024
Dear Rotarians,
Congratulations to all our clubs on their successful installation ceremonies! Your dedication and hard work have set a strong foundation for the new Rotary year.

Our District Installation held on July 6 was a remarkable success with more than 860 Rotarians participated, showcasing the incredible spirit and dedication of our Rotary family. I would like express my sincerest gratitude to Past President Menza Chu from the Rotary Club of Soho Hong Kong and his District Installation Organizing Committee for their outstanding work in organizing such an impeccable event.

Thanks to District Membership Chair PDG Eric Chak and his team, we had a fantastic start to the Rotary year with a highly successful Membership Seminar that provided valuable insights and strategies for membership growth. It facilitated networking and the sharing of best practices between clubs, providing tools to develop effective action strategies.
Our Youth Seminar was equally fruitful, promoting meaningful communication between Rotaractors and Rotarians. My heartful thanks to Youth Chair Regan Ho and his team, as well as all the speakers for a successful event that highlighted the importance of our youth in shaping the future of Rotary.
The first Joint Presidents’ Meeting (JPM) took place on July 9 with over 78 presidents in attendance. This year, we hope to create more opportunities to discuss and share best practices of service projects and club matters, encouraging more collaborations among clubs and across different areas.
Please mark your calendars for August 10, we have a District Community Service Seminar planned to explore impactful service projects and potential joint club initiatives. Winners of Impact Makers will also present their projects and explore collaborations with our clubs. This is a golden opportunity to work together, amplify our impact, and tackle pressing mental health issues in our community.
I am also looking forward to our upcoming visit to Mongolia from August 23-27. It is going to be incredible experience to foster fellowship, immerse ourselves in Mongolian culture, and explore opportunities for joint service projects. Such initiatives can significantly strengthen our bond and impact.
Remember, for a leading international service organisation like Rotary, nothing promotes our brand better than projects that can create sustainable impacts. Let’s continue to strive for excellence in our service projects, brining those magical moments to our community.
Yours in Rotary,
Nigel Lo
District Governor 2024-25

我們於7月6日舉行的地區就職典禮盛況空前,有超過860位社友參加,盡顯我們這個扶輪大家庭充滿和諧和活力。爲此,我由衷感謝蘇豪香港扶輪社前社長Menza Chu和他的地區就職典禮籌委會成員,全賴他們的悉心籌劃和安排,令這個典禮舉辦得有聲有色。

感謝地區社員事務主席兼前地區總監Eric Chak和他的團隊,他們舉辦的社員研討會非常成功,探討了實用而有效的社員增長策略和方法,為這個扶輪年度帶來煥然一新的開始。在研討會上,社友互相介紹,彼此交流心得,務求招募更多社友,一起服務社會。
我們的青少年研討會也不遑多讓,增進我們與扶青團和扶少團的溝通。爲此,我衷心感謝青少年委員會主席Regan Ho和他的團隊,也感謝各位主講嘉賓,讓我們明瞭青少年的發展關係到扶輪社的未來。
Nigel Lo