Message from
District Governor Nigel Lo
Dear Fellow Rotarians and friends,
Stepping into the second month of the Rotary year, we embrace Service and Collaboration that are at the heart of Rotary’s values.
On August 10, our District Community Service Seminar provided a platform for clubs to share their impactful service projects and explore collaboration opportunities. This was a chance to explore joint projects, recruiting volunteers or seek support with donations and expertise. I strongly encourage all clubs to utilize the Project Teaser platform to share a summary of your projects. In your teasers, please include the issues your projects aim to address, the type of collaboration sought, and the potential impact envisioned.
Rotaractors District Installation
The Rotaractors District Installation on August 11 marked a new chapter of integration between Rotaractors and Rotary Clubs. Through these partnerships, Rotaractors can bring more impact to the community and achieve Club Excellence awards. We are committed to enhancing communication with Rotaractors to provide optimal support.
District Governor Visits
My visits to clubs have begun, and I am thrilled to learn about your needs so that we can offer the best district support. It’s inspiring to hear about your club plans and how you implement the Rotary Action Plan. I look forward to seeing these plans in action.
Successful Visit to Mongolia
Our visit to Mongolia was a resounding success. I had fruitful meetings with all 22 Rotary Clubs in Mongolia and engaged with Rotaractors and Interactors. With 39 participants including 14 club presidents from Hong Kong, we joined a joyous banquet with Mongolian Rotarians to foster
fellowships. I had also visited four impressive service projects in rural areas of Mongolia. We arranged a session where Mongolian projects were introduced for potential collaboration with fellow clubs in Hong Kong. The cultural exchange was enriching, featuring a night stay at a Ger, visits to ancient temples, museums, whole lamb meal, horse-riding experiences, and more. Special thanks to Mongolia District Secretary Albert Wong and District Secretaries Alexander Cheung and Louis Ma. We are grateful to Past President Alcuin Li for organizing this impeccable trip.
Enhancing Our Public Image
To amplify the impact of our service projects, effective promotion is essential. Please join us for our first Public Image Seminar on September 7 to learn how to tell our Rotary stories effectively and maximize the reach of our service projects.
Together, let’s continue to serve and inspire! Wish you all a blissful Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!
Yours in Rotary,
Nigel Lo
District Governor 2024-25
Rotary District 3450
踏入扶輪年度的第二個月,我們繼續秉持扶輪的核心價值 — 服務與合作
我們的蒙古之旅實在是空前的成功。探訪蒙古22個扶輪社以及接觸扶青社和扶少團的成果豐碩。包括來自香港14位社長在内的39位參加者與蒙古社友一起出席盛宴,促進彼此友誼。另外,我參觀了在蒙古郊區進行的四個非常出色的服務項目。我們更安排了一次聚會,介紹了一些有機會與香港友社合辦的服務項目。我們的文化交流活動也相當精彩 — 在蒙古包住了一夜、拜訪古廟、參觀博物館、享受全羊宴、騎馬體驗等等。特此感謝蒙古的地區秘書Albert Wong以及地區秘書Alexander Cheung和Louis Ma。我們也很感激前社長Alcuin Li為我們籌辦這個無懈可擊的旅程。
Nigel Lo