Dear DG Nigel,

Thanks for organising the Mongolia trip and it was definitely very fruitful and memorable.

Apart from the sightseeing and activities, I think it was a great opportunity for me to get to know the Rotarians in Mongolia, their cultures and service projects. For the 2:30 minute impact video, I was very impressed by the idea of making use of what are readily available and the passion of the caregivers. And by transferring their knowledge to the local people and making the project sustainable.

I hope I can utilise my experience from this trip to make a bigger impact in my service projects.




首都烏蘭巴托(UlaanBaatar) 比我想像中發達,入住的蒙古包有廁所,晚上不用摸黑。



今次聽了蒙古扶輪社分享他們的Service Projects ,有關於水資源、教育、疾病預防等。希望透過Global Grant, 得到我們香港扶輪社的支持。


因為路面情況問題,今次我們社長沒有機會能夠親身參觀當地的Service Project。下次希望能夠參觀體驗,旅程會更完美。

其實蒙古貧富懸殊很嚴重,偏遠的地區缺乏醫療、衛生、教育設施。DG Nigel 分享了下面的Video 可以了解多些關於扶輪幫助蒙古貧困兒童:

多謝PP Alcuin 悉心安排我們的旅程,這個旅行更加促進了社長們之間的友誼。

Good morning DG Nigel,

Here is my insights on the Mongolia Trip.

The trip offered valuable insights into the service projects being undertaken by Mongolian Rotarians through their presentations. We learned about their initiatives aimed at improving community lives and explored potential areas for collaboration. This exchange of ideas and best practices has inspired us to work together to make the world a better place through Rotary’s global network of service-minded individuals.

Yours in Rotary

A good opportunity to share our experiences with other Rotarians in Mongolia, HK and Macau. A great trip to learn more about Mongolia and the meaningful projects of the local Rotary Clubs. Having received direct information about the needs of the country, we would like to see how to help as a Rotarian.

Attending district overseas events allows visiting unexpected destinations. I’m grateful to Rotary leaders and Mongolian Rotarians for the arrangements and hospitality. This trip helped build friendships and consensus among presidents. I’ll share these cultural immersion experiences with non-Rotarians, showing Rotary provides more than just community service. Travel is better than reading.