DG Message October 2024
Dear Rotarians and Friends,
Time flies. The first quarter of Rotary year has gone by in a swift. While I have visited 75% of all the clubs in District 3450, my district team has put together many interesting program throughout the year. During my visits, I have shared the importance of focusing on membership retention in each club, also to keep recruiting as a habit, if we excel in both, we can see growth. I would also ask each club to consider forming a 3-5 year strategic plan. All these would help strengthening our clubs in the long-run and continue the legacy of District 3450.

Polio Eradication
Rotary has been a pioneer in Polio Eradication, since the initiative was launched in 1988. Thanks to the effort of our predecessors, 123 countries had declared polio free. Only Afghanistan and Pakistan are reported as remaining endemic countries with wild poliovirus. Rotarians, we are only “This Close” to cross the finishing line. To support this great initiative, District 3450 pledged to raise USD100,000, may I solicit your continuous support to The Rotary Foundation’s Polio Fund. Due to venue constraint, our End Polio Walk in Hong Kong, organised by Past President Anita Tang of the Rotary Club of Channel Islands has been deferred to 14 December.

More information on Post Polio world:

Rotary and Mental Health
While Polio Eradication will soon come to an end, it is important plan on our next initiative. It is my believe that, as an international service organisation, nothing promotes our brand louder than projects with sustainable impact. Last year, Rotary International Immediate Past President Gordon McInally called upon Rotarians to focus on Mental Health, which is much needed for our post-pandemic world. This year, I would like to call upon Rotarians to continue our effort in having projects that are related to mental health awareness, as well as mental well being of caregivers. I was privileged to have met with Dr. Lam Ching Choi, BBS, JP to share Rotary’s vision in promoting mental health awareness, who agreed to be our keynote speaker in our upcoming District Mental Health Forum. It will take place in the afternoon of 4 November 2024 at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile. The forum will focus on promoting mental wellbeing in our workplace. Please support this event by inviting your friends who are in human resource management or business owners. We would like people to know that Rotary means business when it comes to mental health awareness.

Rotary International President’s Visit
President Stephanie will visit our District from 16th November to 23rd November, she will be greeting Rotarians in Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia. In order to honour her presence, Past President Leo Yu of Rotary Club of Island East and his team will organise an Intercity Meeting at the Kowloon Shangri-la.

Hope to see you all either when I visit your club or an any upcoming district events.
Yours in Rotary,

扶輪自1988年開始提倡消除小兒麻痹症並且一直爲此不遺餘力。全賴我們的前輩不斷努力,已有123個國家再沒有確診個案。現時,只有阿富汗和巴基斯坦仍然受到這個病毒的侵害。各位社友,我們距離終結小兒麻痹症這個目標就只差一步。爲了達成這個重要的目標,扶輪地區3450決定籌募100,000美元。希望大家慷概解囊,繼續支持扶輪基金會轄下的小兒麻痹症基金。由於場地的限制,由離島扶輪社前社長Anita Tang在香港主辦的終結小兒麻痹症步行籌款活動被迫押後至12月14日。

如欲了解更多有關Post Polio World的資訊,請瀏覽:

在快要消除小兒麻痹症之際,認真計劃我們的下一步非常重要。我相信,對於扶輪這個國際服務機構而言,有什麽會比為社會帶來持續影響的服務項目更能宣揚我們的扶輪精神。去年,扶輪國際的前主席Gordon McInally呼籲扶輪社員提升對精神健康的關注,這在疫情後尤爲重要。今年,我希望大家繼續努力舉辦關注精神健康以及照顧者的項目。早前,我很榮幸能與林正財醫生(BBS、JP)會面,向他講解扶輪在提升大衆對精神健康的認知這方面的願景。林醫生已經應承在我們即將舉行的精神健康講座中擔任主講嘉賓。這個講座將於11月4日在金域假日酒店舉行,届時我們在工作環境中的精神健康將會是討論的焦點。如果你有朋友是人力資源經理或是公司老闆,請你邀請他們出席這個活動。我們希望大家知道,在關注精神方面,扶輪其實與商業活動息息相關。

主席Stephanie將於11月16日至23日到訪我們的地區,向香港、澳門和蒙古的社友問好。爲了隆重其事,港島東扶輪社前社長Leo Yu和他的團隊將於九龍香格里拉酒店舉辦城際會議。
